Bebe Akinboade


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Opeyemi Sodipe (25) set new records during the 10th convocation of the Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo, Ogun State on Sunday. She became the first graduate of
Babcock to bag a PhD at 25.
Sodipe bagged a PhD in Business Information while
Oladeinbo got a degree in Law.
Sodipe who was accompanied to the convocation ground by
her parents had a bad academic start. She was a dullard until an incident
changed this when she was in JSS3 at King’s International School, Moniya, Ibadan, Oyo State.

“I cannot describe myself as an average student when I
was in primary and junior secondary school. I was a dullard. But this changed
when our literature teacher in JSS 3 gave us a test and I failed woefully. The
infuriated teacher while distributing our scripts just threw my own at my face
and abused me. She called me olodo (an academic non-performer) and I was
greatly embarrassed in front of my classmates. I wept till I reached home,” she
On getting home, she told her mother about the
‘perceived insult,’ unleashed on her by her teacher. But thinking that her
mother would sympathise with her, she scolded her too.

“She later encouraged me to buckle up. She said my
teacher’s action should be seen as a wake-up call. I took the advice and prayed
to God to give me wisdom that night and everything changed when I got to SS1. I
always emerged as one of the best in my class till I left the school in 2002,”
she said.
She gained admission to BU in September 2002 and
graduated in 2006 as the best graduating student in her class.
“None of us made first class in my class that year but I
made a strong second class upper with a CGPA of 4.4 to bag a degree in
Information Science,” she added.

From there, Sodipe proceeded to the University of Ibadan for her Master’s degree in Information Science.
At UI, she did well as she emerged the second best graduating student with a
score of 69 in 2010. The best graduating student in her class then made 69.9.
“I enrolled for the Master’s degree at UI after the
completion of the mandatory National Youth Service Corps scheme at the Federal
University of Technology, Minna, Niger State,’’ she added.

Asked what her future ambition was, the third in a
family of four said, she would love to become a professor. “I love teaching
just like my mother. Even some of my classmates during my undergraduate days recognized
this talent in me as they always referred to me as a professor,” she said.
Luckily for her, the university has a scheme where first
class graduates of the institution are encouraged to take up teaching. Sodipe
has been offered a job as an assistant lecturer in the university.
Her proud father, Mr. David Sodipe, and mother, Deborah,
who accompanied her to the convocation, said that God’s grace, discipline and
sacrifice on their part were responsible for their daughter’s feat.
