Bebe Akinboade


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(If you somehow got here without reading Phase 1
first, you’re going to be a little lost. It’s ok, just go back and read it
here: Phase 1: How To Lose Weight)

In Phase 1 of The Lose Weight Diet, you learned how to lose weight. You learned
that the key to weight loss is being in a calorie deficit, which means you are
burning more calories than you are consuming. You learned that to do this, you
just need be about 500 calories below your calorie maintenance level. You also
learned that while this is the only real requirement of weight loss, making
sure these calories are coming from the right food sources is also important.

Now, in Phase 2, you’re going to learn how to put this information to use and
create your own weight loss diet plan. The very
first thing you’re going to need to do is figure out what your calorie
maintenance level is…

Your daily calorie maintenance level is the key number in creating your weight
loss diet plan. It is based on many factors and is specific to each person. For
example, you and your friend might be the same height and weight, but you might
have maintenance levels that are hundreds of calories apart. Since the
effectiveness of your weight loss diet plan depends a lot on this number, it is
important that you figure it out as accurately as possible.
Basically, you would start eating a certain number of calories each day and
then closely monitor what your weight does when consuming this many calories.
For example, if you maintained weight eating this certain number calories per
day, you have found your maintenance level. If you gained weight, lower your
calorie intake a little and see what happens then. If you lose weight, then you
know you’re already below your calorie maintenance level.  To figure this
number out, pick a day and eat like you normally would. The only difference is
you will be keeping track of the number of calories in everything you consume.
At the end of the day add it all up. Do this for a few days and then take an
average of all the days. This average is the average amount of calories you are
currently taking in each day and would make a perfect starting point for method

Now that you know what your daily calorie maintenance level is, it’s time to
officially create your weight loss diet plan.
To do this, just subtract 500 from your calorie maintenance level.

For example, if you figured your maintenance level to be 3000 calories per day,
you would now start eating 2500 calories per day instead. It’s really as easy
as it sounds. Just subtract 500 from your daily maintenance level and then
start eating this new amount of calories each day. By doing so, you would
officially be in a calorie deficit. And, as you know, a calorie deficit is what
makes weight loss happen.

As for how and when you should consume those calories, that’s completely up to
you and your own preferences. Eat them all in 3 big meals, 6 small meals, every
2 hours, every 5 hours… whatever. It literally makes no difference whatsoever
how you do it as long as your total calorie intake is the same for the day. You
may have heard differently… like how eating 5-6 smaller meals magically
“speeds up your metabolism” or something along those lines. But the
truth is that it’s all nonsense.

I know everyone used to suggest (and many still incorrectly do) that a higher
meal frequency was better for weight loss , but research in recent years has
proven it to be a silly myth with no scientific evidence at all. So, the key is
to do whatever is easiest and most enjoyable for you. Whatever meal schedule is
most likely to allow you to consistently eat the right total amount of calories
per day… THAT’S what you should do.

All that’s left to do now as far as your weight loss diet plan goes is make
sure that the calories you are consuming each day are coming from the right
food sources…

Besides just being a requirement for overall health and function, protein is an
extremely important part of The Lose Weight Diet (and all weight loss diets)
because of the roles it plays in controlling hunger and maintaining muscle
while fat is lost. As far as food sources go, the best sources of protein tend
to come from anything that used to be alive, or anything that came from
something that used to be alive. Some high protein foods include: chicken, fish, 
lean cuts of meat, turkey ,eggs and egg whites ,milk, etc.
Protein can also be found in all types of nuts, seeds and beans. And of course,
there are always protein supplements in the form of powders, shakes and bars.
As far as how much protein you should include in your weight loss diet plan per
day, that depends on the person. For example, the average person who doesn’t
exercise at all needs less protein than someone who does. Something in the
range of a MINIMUM of 0.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight might be
alright in this case. For example, if the person weighed 180lbs, you would do
180 x 0.5 = 90 grams of protein per day.
However, someone who does exercise should eat somewhere in the range of .6 –
1.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight. In this example a person
weighing 180lbs would look to eat between 108 – 180 grams of protein per day.
The only other thing you need to know about protein is that 1 gram contains 4
calories. So, for example, if you were to eat 100 grams of protein per day,
that would account for 400 calories. (100 x 4 = 400)

Despite any crazy ideas that have been put into your head, fat isn’t all bad.
Some types are definitely terrible for you (trans fat), some types are much
less bad but still not great (saturated fat), and some types are actually good
bordering on REALLY good (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat). “Bad
fats” can be found in all of the usual junk foods that you already know
you shouldn’t eat. “Good fats” on the other hand can be found in foods
like: fish, nuts and seeds, olive oil, fish oil supplements, etc.
As for how much fat should be included in your weight loss diet plan… about
25% of your total calorie intake should come from fat.
To figure this out, the first thing you need to know is that 1 gram of fat
contains 9 calories. So, if an example person figured out that their daily
calorie intake should be 2500 total calories per day (again, just an example),
they’d find that 25% of 2500 is 625 calories. They’d then divide 625 by 9 (because
fat has 9 calories per gram) and get 69. Which means, this example person would
eat about 69 grams of fat per day.
And of course, most of this fat should come in the form of the “good”
food sources listed above.

Now that you know how much protein and fat your weight loss diet should
include, it will be pretty easy to figure out how many carbs you should eat.
Quite simply, the rest of your diet should be carbs. Once you factor protein
and fat into your total calorie intake, whatever calories are left over to
reach the number of calories you figured you need to eat per day… those
calories should come from carbs.
1 gram of carbs contains 4 calories. So, for example, after factoring protein
and fat into what you calculated your total calorie intake should be (500 below
maintenance level, remember?), let’s say you are 1200 calories below that
number. In this example you would need to eat 300g of carbs per day. (1200 ÷ 4
= 300)
And, just like fat, not all types of carbs are equal. More complex, lower
glycemic, nutrient-rich foods are much more ideal for appetite control and
overall health than simple, higher glycemic, highly processed junk. Some
sources of the “good” carbs are: fruits and vegetables, beans ,brown
rice ,oatmeal,
sweet potatoes and white potatoes, etc.
The “bad” type of carbs would be the typical snack/junk foods like
crackers, pretzels, chips, cookies, etc. as well as white bread and white rice,
candy, and drinks or food high in sugar. While you should definitely try to
limit these “bad” carbs as much as possible and get most of your carb
intake from foods on the “good” list, eating some white bread or
pasta once in a while won’t kill you.

Remember, the most important part of The Lose Weight Diet is making sure you
are 500 calories below your calorie maintenance level. Everything you just read
about protein, fat and carbs was to give you an idea of how to divide those
calories up so that your weight loss diet plan is as balanced as possible. The
guidelines mentioned aren’t just ideal for weight loss, they’re also ideal for
good health in general.

You have reached the end of Phase 2. Right now you should not only know how to
lose weight, but you should also know exactly what your specific weight loss
diet plan should be so YOU can lose weight. You know how many calories you need
to eat, and you know where those calories should come from. For the most part,
you’re done. Take a breath. It’s a good feeling, isn’t it?

All that’s left now is some final information to not only make sure you
continue losing weight, but to make sure you keep the weight off once it’s
gone. That’s what Phase 3 will explain. Also, any questions that may have
popped into your head during Phase 1 and 2 will be answered in Phase 3. So…
let’s go…



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